Port of Auckland has policies and measures in place that comply with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. We also are compliant with legislation local to New Zealand; the Maritime Security Act 2004. These regulations ensure the security of trade and tourism, and to safeguard port staff, users and local communities from terrorism and transnational crime.
The government-appointed regulatory body, Maritime New Zealand (MNZ), is responsible for verifying Port of Auckland as compliant with these international security requirements - they are also responsible for setting the Maritime Security Levels of all New Zealand ports. These levels are:
Security Level 1 is the normal day-to-day operational level whereby minimum appropriate protective security measures are maintained at all times. These include such measures as the presenting of photo ID when entering the port, searching of bags and vehicles, and various levels of access control.
Security Level 2 is the level for which appropriate additional protective security measures must be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a security incident. These security measures are generally obtained by an increase in the procedures listed at Level 1.
Security Level 3 is the level for which further specific protective security measures must be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or imminent. Again, an increase in the security measures listed above for Level 2 are employed with the aid of the various Government agencies.
Access and ID Requirements
If you're visitng Port of Auckland, you must provide a genuine reason for your visit and present tamper-resistant photo ID to the security staff at the gates or reception areas.
Tamper-resistant photo ID can be:
The above identification credentials must have the holder’s name, photograph and the name of the issuing authority.
As a condition of entry to the port, your vehicle or any bags you are carrying in may be subjected to a random search by the security staff. Failure to comply with this request by security staff may cause them to deny entry of the bags, vehicle or, in extreme cases, the individual themselves.
If you are a contractor or likely to be a regular visitor of the port, you will be required to take part in an online Health & Safety induction. Click here for more information.
For information on access to the Port of Auckland and related security measures, please contact Port of Auckland Security Operations Centre on 09 348 5390 or email [email protected].