With just one more cruise visit left to officially bring the 2011/12 cruise season to an end, Ports of Auckland says it has been a record season capped by winning the “Most Efficient Terminal Operation” award in the international Cruise Insight 2011 Awards.
“Servicing 97 visits from 30 cruise ships and processing over 200,400 passengers is not a small task and it is a credit to the team we have at the Port,” Ports of Auckland General Manager Multi-Cargo & Marine, Wayne Mills says.
“This award is a real accolade in a terminal that is considered to be operating over capacity, a truly outstanding result” Mr Mills says.
The awards seek to recognise ports and destinations worldwide that have delivered their product or service commendably.
“Cruise is also becoming an increasingly popular holiday option. In just three years, the number of cruise ship calls to Auckland have risen by 40%,” Mr Mills says.
This is the second international cruise award won by the Port’s cruise team in the last three years. In 2009 the team won the award for ‘The Most Responsive Port’ from Dream Cruise Destinations magazine.
Cruise operations is challenging because not only are there time restrictions, as in all areas of shipping, but the team is also responsible for both the physical set up of the cruise facilities and interacting with the passengers and crew.
The cruise industry is a large contributor to the Auckland economy, with each ship visit bringing in about $1m from visitor spending.
The 2010 study by the Ministry of Tourism and Cruise New Zealand estimated that the Auckland region received $177m of cruise industry direct expenditure as a result of the Port’s presence.
Cruise bookings for the 2012/13 season are edging towards another record, with 99 ship calls booked already.
Quick Facts
- In 1991, Auckland hosted just one cruise ship.
- In 2011/12, the Port hosted calls from 30 cruise ships making 97 visits.
- Over 200,400 passengers and crew were processed this season.
- The 2011/12 season saw five maiden callers and an entirely new cruise line visiting New Zealand.
- On five occasions this season there were three cruise ships in port simultaneously.
- Ports of Auckland manages all cruise ship visits to Auckland and provides piloting and towage services as well as setting up a Customs-controlled arrival terminal.
Cruise Insight Award Article