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POAL Portwide Operational Update (1 Mar)

Please find attached POAL Portwide update for Monday 1 March 2021.

As per NZ Government instruction, the Auckland region has now moved to Level 3 lockdown for seven days from 0600am Sunday 28th February. The rest of NZ is at Level 2. POAL port wide operations are continuing but with the now familiar COVID protocols and controls in place to enhance safety for port users and continuity of port operations.

Ports of Auckland (POAL), our tenants and third-party stevedores rely on a large number of contractors and service providers to support port operations, and who may be required on site to carry out maintenance or support work during this period. Only contractors and other parties undertaking 'essential work' for the maintenance and operation of the port are permitted on site in Level 3.

POAL require all contractors and other parties to agree their controls with their POAL contact person prior to entering the port. We have attached a COVID-19 guide for contractors​, suppliers and other non-port staff to this update for your reference.

Next update will be on Wednesday 3 March 2021.

Kind regards

Craig Sain

GM Commercial

Ports of Auckland