Ports of Auckland actively engaging with Auckland Council to bridge $270m gap.
Jan Dawson, Ports of Auckland Board Chair has written a letter to Mayor Brown correcting his statement made yesterday, 17 November.
"I note in your press release yesterday that you state "Auckland Council has also yet to hear from Ports of Auckland Ltd (POAL) about what savings, efficiencies and revenue enhancements it has planned in order to deliver ratepayers a significant cash dividend in 2023/24, which Mayor Brown believes should be at least $30 million" says Dawson.
"We were surprised by your statement as we have been taking a number of actions to assist with the management of the budget deficit. We have been working closely with Council staff over the past couple weeks on a number of cost saving opportunities around debt funding and insurance premiums. This work is well progressed, and the initiatives will take effect this financial year.
"Whilst we are early into the financial year we are clear that the best way we can support council's effort is to outperform our Statement of Corporate Intent profitability targets.
"The CEO and I would be happy to meet with the Expenditure Control and Procurement Committee to discuss these matters, however we have not been invited to do so as yet" she says.
For more information:
Julie Wagener
Head of Communications
M: 027 421 6697
E: wagenerj@poal.co.nz
W: www.poal.co.nz