Good Afternoon,
Last week we launched an 0800 number for truck drivers, so they don't need to get out of their trucks at the port. This reduces the risk to drivers, their families, trucking companies and the supply chain.
Based on the transport community's positive feedback, we are now ready to progress to the next stage. From tomorrow Friday 3rd September 0730 hours pre-gate kiosks will be turned off, leaving only 0800 number for processing trucks at Fergusson terminal.
The road office team now deals with the increased volume of phone calls. Despatchers wanting to contact Driver Assist are asked to do so via email and not phone so that Drivers in the truck park using the 0800 number are not delayed.
Please be reminded that VBS slots are released nine days in advance. Please do not email Drivers Assist to ask for VBS bookings as any extra slots are added directly into the pool based on the available resource for the shift. Please instead monitor the pool for extra capacity or cancellations which become available to use.
You may however contact the team for assistance with HAZ containers and active reefers. For Late Receivals please get in touch with Customer Service in the first instance.
Please note the process below for using the 0800 number at Fergusson Terminal (NOT the Empty Yard):
- When your driver arrives in the truck park and they are on time for their VBS booking they ring the Drivers Assist team on 0800 767 800.
- When the staff answer the phone, they will check on the cameras that your driver is in the truck park and then ask for the information the drivers would normally give in the office.
- Drivers licence number and fleet number
- Express pin number(s)
- Or container number(s) and delivery check number(s)
- Positions and door direction.
We thank you for your co-operation.