Ports of Auckland's board Chair Jan Dawson today announced the retirement of Pat Snedden and the appointment of Andrew Flavell as a Director of Ports of Auckland. Pat retired on 31 May 2022, after 10 years on the Ports of Auckland board. "Pat has been a valued member of the Board during this time, and I would like to thank him for his leadership and wise counsel, as the Board went through its renewal process," said Ms Dawson. "I am particularly grateful to Pat for agreeing to extend his term to allow the succession plan for the Board to be implemented." Andrew Flavell is an independent director of Steel and Tube Ltd and has strong skills and extensive international experience in Information Technology, working with Nike and Microsoft Studios in Japan and the US. "I am pleased to welcome Andrew Flavell as a director and look forward to his contribution, as technology is an important driver of performance at the port", said Ms Dawson. "His impressive experience in managing and leading large cross functional teams, delivering complex digital transformations and compelling consumer experiences, will be invaluable for the company," she added. Andrew Flavell's appointment is effective 1 June 2022. NOTE: Images of Pat Sneddon and Andrew Flavell are available on request. ENDS For media inquiries please contact: Matt Ball GM Communications M: +64 21 495 645 E: [email protected]