14 September 2022
Good afternoon
Vessels calling Auckland do not have to complete the "COVID 19 – Maritime Entry Form" However, the 48 hour arrival notice must be completed by agents as per usual process.
Crew Shore Leave in Auckland
Crew change in Auckland (embarking and disembarking) from vessels
Crew going ashore for medical attention
Pilot boarding vessels
Stevedores working onboard Terminal vessels
Stevedores working onboard Multi-Cargo vessels
If a vessel has a crew member or passenger who has tested positive then the Vessel Management Process as prescribed by the authorities will come into force.PPE, social distancing and other guidelines as per the plan will need to be adhered to.In case the situation changes POAL will review the above requirements and send out communication accordingly.In case of any clarifications please contact Allan D'Souza – GM, Marine and Multi-Cargo Operations
Kind regardsAllan D'SouzaGM Marine and MC OperationsPorts of Auckland