05 March 2018
Ports of Auckland has in place a formula for calculating the Fuel Adjustment Factor (FAF) to compensate our business as and when the price of fuel fluctuates.
The calculation used to determine the Fuel Adjustment Factor is based on current pricing, working in bands of +/- 20%. If the six week average triggers a move up or down, the following formula applies with two weeks' notice of change.
Currently we are sitting in the (-20% to +20%) band. As of 2nd March 2018 the six week average has decreased to be in the (below – 20%) band. As a consequence POAL will remove the FAF charge effective 16th March 2018.
The application of the FAF model will remain in place and in the event fuel prices increase and the 6 week average triggers re-introduction of the surcharge we will advise customers accordingly with two weeks' notice of change.
Container Terminal Handling
Charge per Full container
(Imports, Exports and Tranships)