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COVID-19 - Daily Update

Dear Port Customer,

Please find attached the first of POAL’s intended daily COVID Update that we intend to summarise and send out by midday each weekday. The next update will be Monday 30th March 2020.

We hope that you find this of use and it provides some clarification with regard to the Port’s operations giving these challenging times.

We hope that you are all coping with the new operating environment that we are all trying to come to grips with. We would expect that over the coming week routines and processes will become a little more stabilised. We, of course, continue to operate in an environment of uncertainty given the evolving situation with the virus and so will do our very best to reflect as accurately and early indicate any areas of the Port’s operation where we might see challenges in these updates.

There will from time to time continue to be specific Advisories sent out related to any change in our business rules.

Please continue to practice absolute vigilance in fighting the spread of this virus, do all that you can to keep the freight moving and we wish you and your families to all stay safe.

Kind regards,

Craig Sain

GM Commercial
Ports of Auckland

For further information contact:
Customer Service
P: 09 348 5100 ext.1
[email protected]